January 9, 2010


We took our family to Hawaii during Christmas Break. It was a trip full of suprizes, shocks, silliness, and a lot of fun!

Getting to our "free condo for the week" to find out that it is already occupied! One of Bryces friends had offered us their condo, but come to find out there was some major scheduling problems. Fortunately, there was a beautiful JW Mariott just a few blocks away and somehow we got the "local" rate.

Luke ear drum burst just after landing in Hawaii. So much pain for that little guy! He toughed it out for a few days, but the pain was still pretty intense so Bryces brother Sid ( a surgeon in Hawaii) called us in an antibiotic. A few hours after getting started on the medicine Luke is covered in hives, and spends the next 24 hours throwing up! We felt so bad for him -but in usual Luke style he handled this all quite well.

With these kids around, when is life not a little bit silly? One favorite silly moment was Bryce buried in sand with a crab bikini top, a la the masterful sand work of Isaac and Luke.

Sun, Beach, Sand, Surfing, Shopping, Warm, Water, Luau, Fire Dancer, Pearl Harbor, Great Hikes, Seeing Whales spout, Spending time with Sid, Alison and kids, Early Birthday for Isaac, Lego Store, Sand Castles, Virgin Drinks in Pineapples, Shave Ice  -- and not being in 15 degree Utah!


  1. Even with all the mishaps it still looks like it was a fabulous vacation!

  2. I'm so jealous you guys were there! Next trip to Hawaii I'll be the official babysitter and you and Bryce can just leave the kids with me. I'll gladly do it!
