February 19, 2010

Quotable Kids

Ben has a few words that I love  that I have to jot down before he grows up and forgets how to say things right (right for a mom who loves things like this).

He calls sneezes "bless you" as in "Mom, I just blessed you and I have buggers."

His big toe and his thumb are called his "thumbs up."

And, lets not forget Luke and his "tellybutton" instead of bellybutton.

Or Ava and her pus (purse), baby (baby), and bebe (blankey). She likes to carry all of these things around at once, and gets very mad and her baby and bebe that don't always want to stay in her arms.


  1. Becky! I am so glad you have a blog! It's such a fun way to journal/scrapbook/keep in touch! Your kids are so stinkin cute and are growing up sooo fast. We miss you and would love to see you again soon! We may be coming for our spring break--with everyone!! I will let you know for sure. Keep posting!!

  2. Some of my favorite johnson-comments are:
    Isaac (age 2) "Fadder!!" When he had his lightsaber sword (We told him to say "Luke, I am your father.." and he thought the sword was a "fadder" Or "You know Kyle, Lily's mom's boyfriend?"

    Luke (age 2): whatever he was saying always ended with "huuuhhh..." Or "Ava is disgusting and terrifying!!"

    Ben- the "pirate light" with Tom.

    we love your kids.

  3. No, our favorite Isaac quote was "Is this your little house? Why is it so little?" When he saw our first place. He might repeat those same words when he sees our place out here...
